SonaSpray fire performance ratings
UK fire test by Warrington Fire Research:
Class 0 to BS476 Part 6
Class 1 to BS476 Part 7
European fire test by Efectis Nederland
(EN 13501):
B – s1, d0
Full fire test reports available on request.
Reference to fire classification BS476 Class 0 for ‘ceiling and wall linings’ has been dropped from the Approved Document B in volume 2. They now require the European fire classification for different spaces as shown in the table pictured.
Our acoustic finishes all pass the European test (EN 13501) as well as the British BS476 Class 0 and also achieve significantly better than the required classifications with B-s1, d0.
EN 13501 European classification explained
The first letter gives a classification based on the combustibility and contribution to fire: A1 & A2 is non-combustible, B – D go from very limited to medium contribution to fire & E – F go from high contribution to easily flammable.
‘s’ is an additional classification in relation to the total smoke propagation / emission level. The values range from s1 – s3:
s1 – a little or no smoke (SonaSpray achieves)
s2 – quite a lot of smoke
s3 – substantial smoke
‘d’ is an additional classification in relation to the amount of flaming droplets generated by a product during the first 10 minutes of exposure. The index is:
d0 – none (SonaSpray achieves)
d1 – some
d2 – quite a lot
B-s3, d2 is required for any circulation space but you might argue that these spaces more than any would require the very minimum of smoke and burning droplets in order for the occupants to escape during fire.
SonaSpray achieves a combustibility rating of B meaning very limited, the best rating of s1 meaning little or no smoke and d0 meaning no smoke at all.

BS EN 15102 explained
You might notice the reference at the bottom of the table to BS EN 15102. This has generated some confusion and does not apply to our products. This document applies to ‘wallcoverings in roll form supplied for hanging onto internal walls, partitions or ceilings, by means of an adhesive, whose primary purpose is decorative’. These include wall covering such as finished wallpapers, cork rolls, textiles, wall plastics and vinyls. These should then be bonded onto a non-combustible wall or ceiling surface with a minimum of A2 s3, d2.