The corrugated ceiling in the main area was then treated with 20mm of SonaSpray K-13 White. This was not only very efficient at absorbing the sound directed towards the ceiling it was also excellent at reflecting the light, making the factory area much brighter. For the low mezzanine areas, SonaSpray K-13 in light grey was chosen. This provided an acoustic decorative finish with little to no required maintenance in a colour that was less likely to show the factory dirt and dust.
Addressing the issue of factory noise control
A factory shell comprising of a hard roof, walls and floor without acoustic treatment will be a large echo chamber. The sound of production and machinery reflects off the hard surfaces to build to substantially increased noise levels within. Escaping noise may also be an environmental nuisance warranting the attention of the local authority.
For safety reasons background noise should comply with HSE requirements. If workers are having to wear ear defenders they are less likely to hear instructions, oncoming plant or machinery thus increasing risk of a serious accident.
The typical answer to factory noise control is the design and installation of expensive acoustic machinery enclosures with forced ventilation to prevent machines overheating; this will address the noise that is enclosed but will not address the basic problem. By combining Soundblox with SonaSpray K-13 noise reduction insulation spray you can achieve economical factory noise control with minimum disruption to works, in turn creating a much safer working environment for employees.
“The silence in the factory is almost eerie.” HV Wooding Ltd, Hythe