The Oil Tank spaces are dedicated to showing the rich variety of art in live form for the public. The South Tank includes film, performance, sound and discussions so it was vital that this particular space was treated acoustically for it be a success. Working alongside FireClad / HarrisonJorge and Mace Construction our SonaSpray K-13 in black was specified at 76mm for the project for its deliberately industrial, coarsely textured, seamless spray applied acoustic finish. SonaSpray in black provides ideal conditions for lighting control and in a darkened space the height of the ceiling appears infinite.

Chris Dercon, Director of Tate Modern said:
“The Oil Tanks will give visitors a new way to explore and experience art at Tate Modern. Architecturally they are fantastic raw spaces, which are being carefully converted for public use without losing any of their unique industrial character. These spaces can better accommodate our evolving live art programme than the traditional white box of the gallery. They will provide us with a dedicated home for the latest developments in art practice and research, and reflect the evolving way the gallery is used by artists, curators and the public.”